Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Next New Thing

What is the next new thing ? It seems with so many options out on the market there are hardly any inventions that one can think of. When I was faced with the questions " What is the next new thing in new media ?" I couldn't really come up with anything on the spot. After getting my friends involved we came up with many different ideas. One of the ideas that really stood out was using application on the phone to scan the hotel rooms open . For example, when a person checks in at the hotel he is provided with the room key for a specific room number . Most of the time the cards are lost. A great idea would be to create an application that the hotel can send to the customer as a bar code with the room number. The room key "electronic bar code " will activate and deactivate according to the guest's stay at the hotel. This will be convenient to both the hotel guests and cost efficient to the hotels , since they won't have to buy new cards once the old ones are lost !


  1. This would be fine and dandy until you lose your phone and the suspect is waiting in your room for you to enter! That would be terrible. I do like the idea. I have lost many keys before and constantly find myself late night in the lobby trying to get a new one!

  2. Exactly, also I know my grandmother travels alot and using an iphone, blackberry as a hotel room key would out side her thought process. Good idea for spring breakers. I know my phone is like another hand. I can't just loose that.
