Saturday, October 13, 2012

Blogs vs. Wikis

Blogs and wikis.... there are pluses and minuses to both in my opinion. Wikis are collaborative websites , blogs are more of the online journals. There is typically one author in the blog, while wikis allow many people to be authors of the page. Although blogs grow slower and depend on posts that the author makes, wikis grow fast since there are many users. It is not always a good thing though because some posts on Wikis can be really irrelevant to the subject. Therefore wikis should me monitored closely. Blogs on the other hand are "clean", you as the author decide where to lead the conversation. A great example is the one from the article in The New York times that talks about troops who blogged about their experience in Afghanistan. I personally like blogs more, I think it allows you to do as much as wiki but you go at your own pace and you write about what matters to you and not necessarily to everyone else.


Blogs :

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