Saturday, September 29, 2012

New Blog, New Start , New Media

I was caught by surprise when I realized that I already have a blog and did not need to create a new one. Aapparently I totally forgot that we had to create a blog for my Political Science class a couple of semesters back and discuss different types of article amongst my classmates. I am pretty much new to blogging but I hope I will get a hang of it. I am not sure how to find my classmates and comment on their blogs and see what they do differently , but there is nothing that Youtube can't do, so I will research and find a manual on how to use it properly. It is amazing to me how one can post videos on their blog, it's pretty cool. I am so happy I took this class because I am really learning a lot of new benefits of new media =) It's a new start and I am ready to give blogging a shot !

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